Now a days, social networking website area unit the simplest thanks to
get traffic to your web site or journal site. Facebook is that the prime
most social networking web site. If you would like traffic your website
or blog then you want to have Facebook like button in your site.
currently i will be able to teach you step by tread on a way to add
Facebook like button on your website or blog.
To Set Up Facebook Like Button in Blogger Blog
1. Go to Facebook Developers Page
2. Paste the copied URL.
3. Change Width, Height, Layout, Color Scheme and Action Type as you like.
4. Check or Uncheck on the Send button.
5. Check or Uncheck on the Show faces.
6. Now Click on Get code button.
2. Paste the copied URL.
3. Change Width, Height, Layout, Color Scheme and Action Type as you like.
4. Check or Uncheck on the Send button.
5. Check or Uncheck on the Show faces.
6. Now Click on Get code button.
After you Clink on Get Code
1. Go to your Blogger Blog Account
2. Click on Add Gadget.
3. Click on HTML/JavaScript.
4. Paste HTML code.
5. Click on save.
Thank you for sharing good information about the Facebook Button. It's important because it shows the reputation of your product.
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Great and decent post
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